Knauf insulation ecose

It offers significant improvements in terms of feel, handling and environmental performance, while . Find submittal-ready datasheets, SDS, specs, ICC-ES reports. It is available unface with a foil-scrim-kraft (FSK) jacket and with a white metalized polypropylene-scrim- kraft (PSK) . Anders als herkömmliche Bindemittel basiert es nicht auf Phenol-Formaldehydharz, sondern auf natürlich- organischen Grundstoffen. It was launched after five years of intensive research and . Ecose is a bit more than a colouring.

I would take a look a the absorption coefficients though, not just density. Isover High Performance Duct Cladding is also well worth a look. Knauf is very common around here.

A higher sustainable binder with technology. Whilst we are dedicated to supplying sustainable high performance insulation solutions for enhanced energy efficiency in buildings, we also continually strive for improvements in our manufacturing and supply chain operations so to improve quality and minimise our impact on the environment. Die natürlichen Mineralwolle-Dämmstoffe.

We are committed to providing building materials to improve sustainable construction. It is used to fabricate rectangular or Maxair duct systems. Available in two stiffness .

English_Awards_for_ECOSE_v3. Certifications, Awards and Endorsements. Introductie van de nieuwe generatie duurzame minerale wol. Onze minerale wol met ECOSE Technology lijkt niet op isolatie waar u ooit mee te maken heeft gehad en voelt evenmin zo aan. It uses revolutionary, new, formaldehyde-free binder technology, based on rapidly renewable materials instead of petro-based chemicals commonly used in other insulation products.

Sie ist frei von Phenol, Acrylen und künstlichen Farbstoffen, Färbe- oder Bleichmitteln. Da die Herstellung dank der Technologie weniger energieintensiv ist, verbessert sich die Energiebilanz des . Sluit je even af van de buitenwereld en maak kans op mooie prijzen! Skelná vlna s ECOSE Technology získala certifikát Eurofins Gold a hodnocení výjimečný materiál. Vyhovuje přísným emisním normám na obsah těkavých organických látek, což je velmi důležité pro kvalitu vzduchu v interiéru. Tento certifikát udělili laboratoře Eurofins Scientific skelné vlně s ECOSE Technology jako první . Revolutionary German Technology.

Izolaciju od mineralne vune se i dosad smatralo najboljom u kontekstu utjecaja na okoliš, no ovim razvojem se još . Powstaje z szybko odnawialnych surowców, takich jak piasek kwarcowy i szkło z recyklingu. Przełomowa technologia . DECOUVREZ NOTRE PREMIER SECRET : NOTRE LIANT INERTE A BASE VEGETALE. Mais en quoi nos laines sont-elles différentes des autres laines minérales .

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