Perspex glass sheets

Largest range of Perspex acrylic sheets available cut to size including Perspex Glass Look. Also aluminium composite, PVC Foam, Polycarbonate. All orders are packaged to arrive in perfect condition! Cast acrylic sheet with high transparency, easy processing characteristics. Can be used for a variety of industries.

Many thicknesses in stock ready to order.

Supply all kinds of thicknesses. Instant online price calculator. Huge range of clear plastic sheets cut to size. Includes acrylic Perspex , Polycarbonate, high impact and more. Free delivery over £100.

Plastic Stockist offers an excellent selection of glass look perspex , or also known as Perspex glass. At only half the weight of glass , and with less of the . Glazing Sheets are an excellent replacement for glass. Ideal to be used for greenhouse glazing, secondary glazing and in sheds.

Due to the properties in the . Our sheets are fully customisable to your specifications. Perfect and clear, using as an oil paint palette. Hope that helps those worried about the colour. It can be used in a frame no problem. And for budding artists who need a palette, this is . Available in various thicknesses and sheet sizes.

Find here Acrylic Sheet suppliers, manufacturers, wholesalers, traders with Acrylic Sheet prices for buying. Acrylic glass GS, transparent, fluorescent colours, custom cut. Acrylic glass XT sheet transparent, colourless. The same material can be . Shop huge inventory of Clear Acrylic Sheet , Black Acrylic Sheet , White Acrylic Sheet and more in Acrylics and Plexiglass on eBay. Find great deals and get free shipping.

Find Liteglaze Acrylic Sheet – 1x 60cm at Homebase. Find quality acrylic sheets online or in store. Buy Wickes Durable Acrylic Sheet 60cmx1.

We supply trade quality DIY and home improvement products at great low prices. This frosted 3mm Sapphire Blue Perspex Acrylic Sheet measures 600mm x 400mm. Frosted Perspex is translucent, allowing light to pass through, . Shop Acrylic Sheeting at acehardware.

Clear acrylic sheet transmits almost all visible light and is exceptionally strong.

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