Orca grow film

Yield increasing product outperforms metalized foil products like Mylar, Foylon, Poly film , Ultraflect and . The resulting geometry of the microfibers and the submicron pores within the microfiber create a highly reflective and diffuse surface. The same principle is found in . Test shows ORCA produces more light on floor. Shows off the BEST Grow Film on the MARKET!

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Experience the difference between diffused and specula. Great hydroponic equipment kit for grow help. I currently have diamond mylar sheeting in the growdrobe but after a few washdowns and several years.

Find great deals on eBay for orca grow film and duct tape. Light Matters, why waste it? The next generation of grow film is here. Not only does it give you. ORCA grow film is reflective across the full visible.


Has been designed to reflect light evenly across the grow area and maintains the lamps original colour spectrum. The film will help stop mold and algae growth and can safely be cleaned with household cleaners. Highly Reflective Surface: Measured at reflectivity across the full visible light spectrum. Simply state this is the most reflective wall covering we have ever seen! The latest technology in reflective grow films – extraordinarily reflective and diffusion!

Reward Points You will earn Zen Points for purchasing this product. This is a highly reflective plastic microfiber seam tape . Developed by using highly reflective woven plastic threads mimicking the geometry of a snowflake. Orca is not like the rest.

A reflective combination that is extremely powerful – rendering PET and other grow films obsolete. Beware of Killer Yields! Tough and strong super- reflective sheeting, ideal for grow rooms and tents.

Unique white microfibre structure out-performs all other reflective sheeting available. ORCAs patent pending white plastic microfiber structure effectively scatters light from highly reflective crystalline structures within the substrate.

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Zastreseni Zorana DOO

Kragujevac Zorana Đinđića br.10


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