Kingspan 1000 rt

The Kingspan Tiled Roof Systems looks like a traditional pantile roof but is in fact an insulated panel with a shaped exterior. The Kingspan Tile Roof Systems looks like a traditional pantile roof but is in fact an insulated panel with a shaped exterior. Profiles: Pantile effect.

Fixing detail: Through-fix. Fire rating: Please see the Fire tab below.

The Trapezoidal Secret Fix roof is a versatile, high performance, energy and cost efficient roofing solution for many building applications. Kingspan Roof Tile panels are suitable for all building applications including office and commercial, education and domestic. Für alle Gebäudearten mit. The traditional appearance. All panels are produced with a cut back of 150mm only.

Standard roof tile panel. Application Description. The insulation is built-in and can be used for any domestic or commercial building with a roof pitch of.

Roof Tile looks like a traditional pantile roof but is a modern Kingspan insulated panel with a shaped exterior. Contact the manufacturer directly to receive a quote. Look like a traditional tiled roof but is a modern Kingspan insulated panel with a shaped exterior that performs better than any tiling system. Are manufactured with an ECOsafe and . Low profile headed stitcher or rivets at 400mm centres. Half-round ridge trim with overlaps sealed.

Ridge trim inner with 150mm overlaps sealed. Výrobce: KingspanVhodný pro stavební aplikace se sklonem střechy 12° a více. Izolační sendvičové panely se vyznačují vysokou kvalitou, zajišťují dlohodobou spolehlivost a provozní životnost. Nepodléhají napadení plísněmi, houbami ani hmyzem. The systems provide an insurer approved.

The product comprises profile coated steel external sheet and internal liner both bonded to a rigid polyisocyanurate (PIR) foam . Insulated Facade Systems. Architectural Wall Panels. Registriraj se v arhitekturni kotiček. Fraai sandwichpaneel met een dakpanmotief.

Kies de uitstraling die u wilt met een Plastisol- of een matte Polyurethaan coating.

Uiteraard leveren we alle benodigde toebehoren graag mee. Informeert u naar de mogelijkheden. Wij helpen u graag verder! Jak zkratka v názvu panelu naznačuje, jedná se o střešní panel s vnější profilací ve tvaru střešní tašky, neboli Roof-Tile.

Tento panel nabízí tradiční vzhled se všemi výhodami . Contractors, designers and investors can implement new designs: stone, timber or brick effect, to give a building a natural touch and at the same time exploit the advantages of high quality insulated panels. Perfect for offices, domestic, commercial or . Aug Rodzaj rdzenia, Sztywna pianka poliizocyjanurowa (IPN, THERMALsafe, IPN-L). Okładzina, Ocynkowana blacha stalowa – dostępne powłoki zewnętrzne: PES, Spectrum.

Zastosowanie, We wszystkich typach budynków, w których nachylenie połaci dachowej jest: większe niż 4° ( ) – dla pokrycia . All four systems are available with the Kingspan Guarantee an for added peace of min we also offer extensive product and. All product CAD files can be downloaded as PDF ZIP files from here.

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