Hardox 350

With its combination of high hardness, strength and toughness, Hardox steel has proven itself as the abrasion -resistant steel of choice for extending the service life of equipment, parts and . The extra-high tough steel for structural wear parts. Hardox , Weldox, Armox and Toolox are registered trademarks that are owned by SSAB Technology AB. Commercial and high strength plate. HARDOX HiTuf, 3, J – 40°C , 0. Table Hardox Plate Product Program – available from 0.

Versatile wear plates with high toughness, good bendability and excellent weldability. Hard and yet tough, bendable and weldable plates used in applications requiring high wear resistance. Hardox steel is a speciality steel having hardness of more than 400BHN offered by SSAB Sweden. Another equivalent material available in the market is Abrex 4offered by NSSM and Dillimax by Dillinger. These are generally used in the mining industry where the wear and tear is alot.

The average surface hardness is 3Brinell. To obtain the desired impact toughness and thus a high crack resistance, . Hardox – Workshop friendly abrasion resistant wear plates for all purposes, enabling lighter, stronger and more durable applications. Hardox 4is available in thicknesses of – 1mm.

More detailed information on dimensions is provided in the . Hardox HiTuf is an abrasion resistant steel with a nominal hardness of 3HBW. Typical applications are components structu- res with need for high toughness and abrasions resistance. Hardox wearparts are tough enough to withstand heavy impacts in industrial settings without cracking. The properties of Hardox steel remain consistent from plate-to-plate.

They are available in Hardox grades that range from 3to 6HB. Hardness reduction due to tempering. Tempering temperature (C).

Hardox – abrasion-resistant sheet metal that is easy to process, enabling lighter, stronger and more resistant applications. Testing temperature (°C). ИЗНОСОСТОЙКАЯ ЛИСТОВАЯ СТАЛЬ.

MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS USED TO FABRICATE TARGETS. NA HBW 3HardOx -5RHA 7. The comparative testing of soft and hardened steels as the grinding .

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Zastreseni Zorana DOO

Kragujevac Zorana Đinđića br.10


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