Coloured perspex sheet

Our sheets are fully customisable to your specifications. Exposure to moisture or total immersion in water does not significantly affect the mechanical or optical properties. Simply choose from our range of vibrant coloured acrylic sheets and select the thickness and size you require.

Premium cast acrylic sheet available in a stunning range of vivid colours to suit all requirements. Use colour without compromising on strength and durability.

Coloured plastic sheeting is offered in soli tinte frosted and fluorescent finishes. All images are for demonstration purposes only. Acrylic sheets are supplied cut to size.

Different monitors and printers will have varying colour settings. Find cut to size coloured acrylic sheets at The Plastic People. Select from a range of vibrant solid tones as well as translucent sheets and buy online now!

Solid colour perspex acrylic can be used to fabricate signage, construction of logos, image branding and the like.

Plastic Stockist offers the full range of coloured perspex , available cut to size. View our prices and buy online today! Over colours to choose from and all available cut to size. We offer a vast, unsurpassed range of acrylic sheet colours and there is also a custom colour service offered by Perspex that will match any colour you require.

Common acrylic sheet types include: Solid coloured acrylic, tinted acrylic, frosted and fluorescent acrylic. For more detail download our Perspex colour chart. Include any holes you want, for things like powerpoints or plumbing, and we will cut that plastic for you.

We then send your order over next day via courier, carefully packed and . Full sheet sales, cut to size, fabricate and shape to your requirements. Cut To Size or Full Sheets. Many different colours available. Multiple sheet sizes are available from stock: . Clear Perspex offers near perfect optical clarity, great alternative to glass. Just enter size and we will also be able to cut to your measurements.

We stock a range of raw plastic materials. Available in various thickness.

Cut to size coloured , froste clear and transparent acrylic sheet via mail order internet order in 3mm and 5mm thick perspex type sheet large and small.

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Zastreseni Zorana DOO

Kragujevac Zorana Đinđića br.10


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