Cheap Perspex, APerspex, APerspex and full sheets in clear, colours and mirror- available to buy online. This product is UV resistant and suitable for both indoor and outdoor usage. Cheapest on eBay – Next . Protective foil applied.
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Our unique product calculator lets you buy any size and thickness of acrylic or acrylic mirror in any colour or thickness available and you only pay for what you get. No more going to the diy store and bringing home a large sheet to chop up yourself without the right tools, just type the size and . Clear Perspex offers near perfect optical clarity, great alternative to glass. Acrylic Sheets , Clear or Coloured Perspex Sheets , buy to your size online. Acrylic is around x stronger than glass yet much lighter to handle. Just enter size and we will also be able to cut to your measurements.
We even have a number of high performance clear plastic sheets available for use in the most demanding environments such as clear polycarbonate for creating high impact.
Cut to size (per square metre). CLEAR PLASTIC SHEET PERSPEX ACRYLIC 2X 297. I bought this to make some rubber or latex stamps so I could use different designs for making birthday and other cards, cheaper than buying custom made ones . Many household projects and home improvements can be finished off with coloured or clear plastic sheets. Some people just want a sheet of plastic to replace a shed or greenhouse window, as it is cheaper and safer to use high impact, shatterproof acrylic than real glass. Other uses include kitchen splashbacks, and . Having us sell plexiglass sheets cut to size will normally save on shipping costs – smaller packages ship cheaper via UPS.
Cast acrylic sheet with high transparency, easy processing characteristics. Can be used for a variety of industries. Supply all kinds of thicknesses. All orders are packaged to arrive in perfect condition! Professional plastic cutting service available for most products.
See our cut to size options and check out our instant pricing on custom sizes. The surfaces of the sheets have a high gloss finish. Transparent Perspex sheets will allow light to pass through clearly, enabling objects to be distinguished through the material, though the view is tinted by . Glazing Sheets are an excellent replacement for glass.
Ideal to be used for greenhouse glazing, secondary glazing and in sheds. The sheets are impact resistant shatterproof and very energy efficient. Due to the properties in the . Check our wide range of cut-to-size plastic sheets now available.
Our polycarbonate sheets are tough and highly impact-resistant. Our premium acrylic sheets come in a wide range of sizes and thickness. ABS sheets have a high- impact strength with a textured hair-cell finish on one side. HDPE sheets make a great .