Many commercial and municipal buildings have green roofs and are prime examples for the implementation of large-scale projects – so why not do the same on a smaller scale with a green roof on a private house? HELPING TO SECURE THE FUTURE WITH A GREEN ROOF. A green roof is a relatively simple solution within the housing sector. The long-term and permanent functionality of green roofs depends upon multiple factors.
Reliable and established products that comply with the guidelines of green roofing are important.
On the shown pages we present an excerpt of our product range. We gladly provide more products . Cost efficient combination of green roofs and photovoltaics. Higher mounting of the photovoltaic panels to avoid shading. Vegetation possible beneath the support units. Low maintenance requirement.
Increased output of the. Zelené střechy slouží každému – jednotlivci, průmyslovým firmám, městům a obcím.
La végétalisation de toiture est accessible à tous : particuliers, industrie ou communes. Join LinkedIn today for free. Absorbs water and channels it via capillaries.
We offer a high quality range of products and solutions. Sailors will learn the basics of racing sailboats, advanced rigging, and boat handling techniques. Practices are held Thursday evenings from 5:- 7:pm at Seattle Yacht Club.
It is an ecological, top-quality form of roof greening for roofs suitable for this purpose. Apart from the classic vegetation used in extensive roof greening, like Sedum . Younger sailors who have shown advancement in boat-handling, seamanship, and general knowledge are eligible to participate . Green Fleet is a special fleet for . The depicted solution is intended for use with green roof systems. Other construction tradework is simplified in this representation and should be constructed according to current industry standards. The Ice Breaker Series is the centreboard . Het groendak op zijn best – Optigroen systeemoplossingen voor dakbegroeiing. Bienvenue chez Optigreen , le spécialiste de la toiture végétale.
Welcome to Optigreen , your specialist for the green roof. Willkommen bei Optigrün, Ihr Spezialist für Dachbegrünung.
OPTI GREEN FLEET WINNERS. Pure Offices, the local serviced office provider in Welwyn Garden City welcomes Optigreen Limited to the business centre. Im Projekt entwickeln wir, aufbauend auf einer umfassenden Erfassung und Bewertung des Dauergrünlands im Naturpark Thüringer Wal . Opti green fleet was created to give younger . Opti-Greens helps fill that void. Jednotlivé produkty jsme Vám schopni poskytnout v jakémkoliv množství – nejste vázáni objednávkou po celých paletách, rolích či kubických metrech v případě substrátu. Pro kutily nabízíme také kompletní garážové sety včetně malé kontrolní šachty.
Ostatní produkty Optigrün jsou k dostání na poptávku s běžným termínem.