El tiburon elizabeth nj

Fresh seafoo massive portions at razonable proceso. Authenic Peruvian Foo everything we tríed was delicious. Food portion was excessive, but the food was delicious.

The establishment itself was a bit run down and can use a good renovation, but I promise you will not be disappointed. We were even treated to.

Elizabeth, Elizabeth , New Jersey. Explore their menu, read reviews, get directions and compare prices before you go! See photos from visitors about ceviche. Business description (1). This business specializes in Restaurants and has review(s) with a star rating of 5. Brought to you by merchantcircle.

A diner from Union, NJ tried it, liked it, and rated it.

They liked the foo liked the . Is dit uw TripAdvisor-vermelding? Bezit of beheert u deze gelegenheid? Claim gratis uw vermelding om te reageren op beoordelingen, uw profiel bij te werken en nog veel meer. ESTE ESTABECIMIENTO TIENE CUCARACHAS!

THIS ESTABLISHMENT HAS ROACHES! I was in the middle of my meal . Horrible el servicio es Horrible! EL TIBURON ELIZABETH NJ. Y los precios más que ridículos!

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Photo: “Arroz con mariscos”. Dining options: Dinner, Lunch. El Tiburon has a SocialScore of 0. We found awesome food on their menu!

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