
Yaki means to heat with fire, and sugi is cypress. It is also referred to in the West as shō sugi ban (焼杉板), which uses the same kanji characters but a different pronunciation. The ban character means plank.

By slightly charring the surface of the wood . Le matériau ainsi obtenu est réputé plus résistant au feu, aux insectes et aux champignons.

Cette technique est réutilisée par . Shou-sugi-ban the traditional way. Standard License. Und in Deutschland immer noch ein Geheimtipp: yakisugi. Yakisugi -Kanji-rot_4HOT IN JAPAN.

Herzlich willkommen auf unserer Website! Yaki bedeutet „gegrillt“, Sugi „japanische Zeder “, beides .

Der japanische Begriff „Shou Sugi Ban“ bedeutet in etwa so viel wie „verbranntes Zedernbrett“ und beschreibt eine jahrhundertealte Technik, Holz gegen Feuer, Nässe und Insektenbefall resistent zu machen. The ancient Japanese art of torched or charred wood. See more ideas about Burnt woo Charred wood and Woodworking. Burning is one of the ways how organic matter decomposes. When the burning process is limited only with the surface coat of the woo the organisms who feed on this organic matter do not have anything edible left and that is why the charred wood is much more resistant to the impacts of the weather.

In Japan it is commonly used in combination with white stucco in various ratios for exterior wall surfaces, each region having a slightly different . Une fois le processus de combustion complété, le bois verra sa durée de vie pratiquement doubler pour excéder les ans. Still coveted for its unique beauty and rarified nature, ANN SACKS brings the same . Traditionally, Sugi (cryptomeria japonica L.f., also called Japanese cedar) was used. The process involves charring the woo cooling it, cleaning it, and finishing it with a natural oil. Woodform Architectural loves unique ways of using timber.

From our timber veneered aluminium range to our Expression Cladding profiles, we have a history of embracing unique timber looks. This makes it an ideal finish in the landscape. YAKISUGI seminar, 13th October in Mooste.

Natural materials such as wood are the trend in modern interior design.

Natural elements and interior colors, organic shapes and textures represent an eco friendly, contemporary feeling in design and decor. UltraWood by RebelOfStyles natural Asian teak wood . Taking the opportunity to challenge and confront both materials, Kuma questioned the materiality of glass and natural wood by combining the two distinct textures within one striking. This method has come up in several post as a method for treating woo with the ensuing questions that follow. Durch eine spezielle Behandlung bekommen die verschiedenen Holzarten, die wir bei Magma . Fujimori verwendete deshalb innen. Normalerweise sind die Fassadenbretter kürzer als zwei Meter.

Die Verwerfungen, die an den Kanten. Jedes japanische Thermalbad besitzt ein Türmchen, um den Dampf aus dem Innern abzuleiten. The term “Shou-Sugi-Ban” is Japanese (焼杉板) and literally translates to “burnt cedar board”. The term is commonly used to describe the centuries old Japanese technique of charring “Sugi” (cedar) planks used for . In Japan, carpenters were using this method of charring wood panels for centuries.

At the time it was a standard choice for building material.

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