Schletter group

Die Schletter Group zählt zu den führenden Herstellern von Solar- Montagesystemen weltweit. Wir entwickeln und fertigen Befestigungslösungen aus Aluminium und Stahl für Solarparks, Flachdächer, Schrägdächer sowie Solar -Carports. Unsere ausgereiften Lösungen stehen für höchste Qualität und Belastbarkeit – überall . We develop and manufacture mounting solutions made of aluminum and steel for solar farms, flat roofs, pitched roofs and solar carports. Our sophisticated solutions deliver utmost quality and durability – wherever the sun shines.

Schletter from Kirchdorf was one of the pioneers in the solar industry.

The company leads the world market in assembly systems. Tom Graf, Cedrik Zapfe and Manuel Schwarzmaier report on how they are dealing with the crisis and how the markets are evolving. Die Unternehmen der Gruppe produzieren Montagesysteme für Freiflächenanlagen (Solarparks), Aufdachanlagen sowie Solar Carports.

The Schletter Group is coming to the Intersolar with a host of new and further developments. At the forefront here is the considerably simplified handling of the products, both for the users and the traders. Since November, the German Jordanian University in Madaba, south of the capital Amman, has been producing its own solar power.

MW PV plant was installed on Schletter Group roof and carport systems. The project was commissioned by the Jordanian project .

Schletter Group installed its newly developed mounting solution for greenhouse solar photovoltaic systems for the first time in China—a MWp PV system. The focus here is on the greatly simplified handling of the products – for users and traders alike. Highlights include, for example, the complete redesign of the Rapid module clamp . Insgesamt beschäftigt die Schletter-Gruppe rund 1. Interested in the functionality of solar mounting systems?

Get inspired by the new Imagefilm of Schletter GmbH. Find related and similar companies as well as employees by title and much more. Due to persistent deficits outside the core solar business and depleted liquidity reserves, the company had originally planned to reduce the number of employees in Germany by 3to secure the existence of the Schletter Group in the long term. Two weeks into negotiations on restructuring the Schletter . The restructuring of the Schletter Group , manufacturer of photovoltaic mounting systems, has begun. Schletter CEO Tom Graf informed the staff at the headquarters in Kirchdorf on the measures necessary: Downsizing.

Due to the ongoing deficits outside the core business solar workforce in Germany must be . DeVries is heading the company that serves the sub-Saharan Africa business of the globally active Schletter Group. Schletter Group Strengthens its North American Team in Engineering and Construction Leadership with New Executive Vice President, Eddie Bugg PE, LEED AP . The largest solar power plant in the entire .

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