Protan se

Whether it is flat or curve SE membrane manufactured by Protan can be fitted everywhere. The softened PVC membrane adapts to climates with ease. System ten może być montowany metodą mechaniczną lub przy użyciu systemu Vacuum. Pokrycie dachowe może zostać położone na wszystkich typach podłoży, zarówno na dachach izolowanych termicznie . Protans produkter produceras, installeras och används med minimalt avfall.

Produktionsavfallet återvinns internt hos Protan.

Deponering av avfall från byggarbetsplatser och gamla produkter som inte längre ska användas, utförs hos. PROTAN SE , SEX AND SEXG MECHANICALLY FASTENED PVC ROOFING MEMBRANES. The PVC contains stabilisers which make the product resistant to both high and low temperatures, is UV-stable and provides fire resistance.

Kun kyseessä on kattorakenne: Valitse Protan Exposed Roof SE -kate, polyesterivahvisteinen PVC-vesikate, jota käytetään vesikattorakenteissa. This Agrément Certificate Product Sheet(1) relates to. Roofing Membranes, for use on exposed flat and pitched roofs with limited access.

This is PROTAN (UK) proprietary and confidential information. No right is granted to reproduce this manual or its contents in any form, by any means, whether optical, mechanical or digital.

Protan SE , EX and EXG Mechanically-Fastened PVC. The information in this manual is believed to be accurate. However, PROTAN (UK) does not accept responsibility or . They are installed using hot- air welded lap joints, mechanically fixed using approved fasteners.

The system includes a range of accessories designed to deal with parapet, edge, rainwater outlet . Hydroizolační fólie Protan patří mezi špičkové produkty na stavebním trhu a vyřeší jednou pro vždy problém se zatékáním střechy. Její použití je doporučováno při rekonstrukcích domů a je určena je pro finální instalaci na plochých, šikmých i kopulových střechách. Představuje ideální způsob, jak se preventivně bránit . For further information please contact the. All Protan membranes are designed with an anti-slip texture to the upper surface to reduce the likelihood of slipping whilst walking on the membrane.

Owner of the declaration: PROTAN AS. Program operator: The Norwegian EPD Foundation. Publisher: The Norwegian EPD Foundation. ECO Platform reference number: Issue date: Valid to: SE 1.

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