Laos blog

Maybe is forgotten in the worldwide terms of tourism, but for us it will remain a country that we will remember for a long time. Maybe we just like rooting for the underdog. Most Scenic Spots in Southeast Asia. While less traveled than some of its neighbors, Laos is no stranger to tourism. Luang Prabang, Vang Vieng, and Vientiane have long been the most popular places to visit in Laos.

More details on the Bolaven loop in a forthcoming blog post!

A comprehensive budget travel guide to Laos with tips and advice on things to do , see, ways to save money, and cost information. You can check out their adventures and videos on their blog , boboandchichi. Follow their latest photos and videos on Instagram. Ready for backpacking Laos ? Few know the undiscovered beauty that is Laos.

Without a doubt, a leisurely cruise down the Mekong on a traditional wooden slow boat is the best way to overcome jetlag and settle into the laid-back vibe that is so loved by visitors to Laos. To book a bus ask at your hotel or travel agency. For a better experience, opt for a boat trip along the scenic Mekong river.

Happy Olympics Opening Day! For that reason, many people choose to skip Laos altogether, a mistake that I almost made. I had a week to kill between my . Travel blog entries about Laos selected from different Travellerspoint travel blogs.

Inform yourself and be inspired or start your own free travel blog. This little-known, landlocked country is a beautiful land of ancient Buddhist temples, tropical jungle, beautiful river cruises and softly spoken, laid-back people. A Laos food and travel blog.

Want a daily dose of Eat Drink Laos ? Hidden in a landlocked region between China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and Myanmar, Laos is one of the last hidden gems of Asia. I hope you will be inspired. We bring you some first-hand accounts of Laos and Cambodia by river from leading travel bloggers (and one sketch artist)!

Your definitive guide and map on the best time to visit Laos and its key highlights. Planning a trip to Laos ? The Laos Guide Blog keeps you up-to-date with all additions and changes to the laos -guide-999. Laos is a truly gorgeous country, it is a land of crawling broadband and pot-holed roads. Every time there is a thunder clap the electricity goes out so you better forget that fruit shake you just ordere the blender is down!

From the party haven of Vang Vieng to the little explored jungles of Luang Prabang . No visitor to the Laotian capital Vientiane should leave without visiting Pha That Luang, the metre tall golden stupa four miles from the city centre.

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