Aco drain 100

Read technical details in our Drain Catalog. Developed V -shaped profile. Knock outs every 5th channel. Visible channel markings. Slotted or longitudinal (ADA) grate available.

K1is a 100mm (internal width) grated trench drain.

K1features an integrally cast-in galvanised steel grate support rail which provides a discreet aesthetic wearing edge. System loading dependent on grate loading. K1JDECode KS1JDECode Female Male. KNeutral channel – (1m). DrainLine 1is a durable polymer concrete trench drain system for use around residential, office, and other light duty areas.

Suitable for pedestrian and light vehicle traffic applications. Bottom knockout to fit 3 . Systemet har en høy hydraulisk ytelse for sikker drenering under ekstreme forhold. The management of surface water with complete integrated systems for use across the spectrum of civils projects.

Multiline V 1(NW 1mm). Product Information Sheet () . Le système de drainage linéaire de demain. ACO K- 1Series Drain. Type 410Q A Galv Perforated Grate 1M.

Flat roof gullies made of cast iron can also be equipped with top sections for areas where people walk (terraces and balconies). The trench system bodies shall be manufactured from . Odvodňovacie žľab, odvodňovacie systémy, nerezový žľab, nerezový rošt. Find submittal-ready datasheets, SDS, specs, ICC-ES reports. Note : As with all pre-cast products, the units are subject to dimensional tolerances.

Increasingly extreme weather must be counteracted by more complex and sophisticated drainage concepts. RDRAINAGE BELOW GROUND Item PC Labour Labour Plant Excluding site overheads and profit £ hours £ £ LINEAR DRAINAGE – cont Linear drainage. The nominal clear opening shall be. Pre-cast units shall be manufactured with neutral invert and have a wall thickness of at least 0. Each unit will feature a male to female interconnecting end profile. Units shall have horizontal cast in anchoring features on the . Lateral inflow from surrounding pavement.

All liquid flowing through grate.

Less than 1 Capture. Not all liquid flowing through grate, bypass has occurred. Could be due to not enough grate open area, too much liqui or too much slope perpendicular . SlabDrain Shallow invert trench drain 1HK series.

Ainutlaatuinen V-muoto ja erittäin vahva polymeeribetoni luovat hyvät hydrauliset ominaisuudet, kuormituskestävyyden ja takaavat 1 vedenpitävän ratkaisun. Näe miten erilaiset ritilät .

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