Fakro LWS, Fakro LWK, Fakro LTK. ЧЕРДАЧНАЯ ЛЕСТНИЦА FAKRO LTK THERMO. This premium quality wooden loft ladder has a 66mm thick hatch which is filled with insulating material. They can be used in buildings where. Podkrovné schody LTK Energy sú supertepelnoizolačné sklápacie schody určené do budov, v ktorých je veľký rozdiel teplôt medzi využívanou a nevyužívanou časťou podkrovia.

LTK Thermo Section Folding Attic Ladder – 2. Podobné schodom FAKRO LWK, majú však supertepelnoizolačný biely poklop s hrúbkou cm. Bedienung der Treppe erheblich erleichtert. Für Niedrigenergie-Gebäude ist die ultrathermoisolierte Bodentreppe LWT vorgesehen. The LTK Energy is highly energy efficient new generation loft ladder intended for energy-efficient buildings.
They guarantee a high level of comfort, excellent thermal insulation parameters and the highest Class tightness. It is designed for use in buildings with significant temperature differences between the loft or attic and the rest of the building. The hatch is insulated to U value: 0. Hecken Schere 15euro Schraubstock Euro,Heckenschsre bosch in Niedersachsen – Sande.

FAKRO biedt een compleet assortiment aan dakvensters, platdakvensters, gootstukken en lichttunnels aan.